Healthcare Heroes Award: FlexCare Impact Player Has Nursing in Her Blood

The FlexCare Healthcare Heroes Awards recognize and celebrate those healthcare professionals who stand out as exceptional FlexCare travelers. The Greatest Impact Player is a FlexCare nurse who, through attitude and professionalism, has had a positive impact on fellow nurses.
As FlexCare's Greatest Impact Player, Amy’s DNA is stacked with nursing genes. Maybe it’s because her grandmother was a nurse, but Amy feels that nursing chose her. Along with her ability to stay cool under pressure, Amy’s passion for the profession came through in a glowing letter FlexCare received from one of the facilities Amy was assigned to:
“Amy was simply amazing, positive and remained cool, calm and collected. In fact, she modeled the most professional standards of nursing while providing impeccable patient-centered care. But the most amazing and compassionate moment came when this patient's husband, clearly the love of her life, was inconsolable when he arrived at the bedside. He didn't understand the complexity and was anxious about her breathing against the ventilator. Being as busy as Amy was, and I have been there, it's difficult to take care of your patient and family at the same time. Amy navigated this struggle flawlessly, dedicated her time and attention to what was important: this man who wholeheartedly loved this woman. She was able to delegate the patient care tasks to others and again led our team with grace and composure. I am so proud to work alongside Amy, she has been such an asset to our team over the short time she has been here."
When asked about why she loves being a traveler, Amy said, “Travel nursing wouldn’t be as awesome as it is without great hospitals who have wonderful employees. Those employees become my co-workers for a short time and I have to say, they’ve made all the difference.”
I am so proud to work alongside Amy, she has been such an asset to our team over the short time she has been here.
When not on assignment, Amy has a healthy sense of adventure and has visited five of the seven continents. “This job gives me the opportunity to travel around the country and work,” said Amy. “AND it helps me see more of the rest of the world. It’s truly the best of both worlds.”
What advice does Amy have for nurses considering a travel career?
“Like the Nike slogan, Just Do It, if you wait for everything to fall into place, or for the “perfect time” to start traveling, you’ll never do it. If you’re nervous, start with an assignment close to some out-of-town friends or relatives!
As a Healthcare Hero Awardee, Amy will receive an Apple Watch.
Thank you, Amy, for being such a positive influence on the profession and your fellow nurses!